Animation Artist Born in Fukuoka, Japan in 1981. Animation artist who creates non-narrative expressions using “cells” and “geometric figures” as motifs. Known for his unique abstract animations that capture the viewer’s eye, he has worked extensively on independent animations and music videos. He has been nominated for all four major
Michinoku Pass
Animation Creator / Game Art Designer Animation creator. Currently making and submitting a short animation titled “Michinoku Toge”. TALK Journey SKOOTA YouTube Playlist of other episodes SKOOTA TALK Journey “Michinoku Pass Journey TALK LOG Kazunoko-san to Michinoku Toge ・Why I wanted to become an animation filmmaker ・Realize that the foundation
room6Kimura Masashi
Representative of room9 50 years old, born in 1972. After graduating from a computer-related technical school, he aimed to enter the game industry, but was unable to do so and became an engineer in the business field. inspired by the iPhone released in 2007, he started his own business in