Guest, Personality Guset:Naoki Matsuura Currently active as an animation director, director, and animation creator Member of the Japan Animation Association Born in Tokyo in 1982, currently residing in Kanagawa Prefecture. Graduated from the Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences at Musashino Art University in 2006. After working as a production
【Shiohigari’s Journey #03】Is There No Anxiety in Not Detailing Everything?
Guest, Personality Guest: Shiohigari Illustrator/Manga Artist Born in 1989 and currently living in Tokyo. Her illustrations of girls with humorous and romantic dialogue, drawn in a light touch, are her trademark. She calls herself a “cheap artist.” During her student days, she began posting illustrations on Twitter and live streaming
【Shiohigari’s Journey #02】Ultimately Wanting to Converse Only Through Metaphors
Guest, Personality Guest: Shiohigari Illustrator/Manga Artist Born in 1989 and currently living in Tokyo. Her illustrations of girls with humorous and romantic dialogue, drawn in a light touch, are her trademark. She calls herself a “cheap artist.” During her student days, she began posting illustrations on Twitter and live streaming