Guest, Personality Guest: Masashi Kimura from Room6 Born in 1972, currently 50 years old. After graduating from a computer specialized school, he aimed to work in the gaming industry but ended up becoming a business engineer. In 2010, he started his own business with the desire to develop iPhone applications,
【Room6 Kimura’s Journey #02】 The Kyoto Office and the Final Push to Make Games More Enjoyable!
Guest, Personality Guest: Masashi Kimura from Room6 Born in 1972, currently 50 years old. After graduating from a computer specialized school, he aimed to work in the gaming industry but ended up becoming a business engineer. In 2010, he started his own business with the desire to develop iPhone applications,
【Room6 Kimura’s Journey #01】 Exploring the Importance of Music in Indie Games and the Establishment of Room6! English version, title subject to change.
Guest, Personality Guest: Masashi Kimura from Room6 Born in 1972, currently 50 years old. After graduating from a computer specialized school, he aimed to work in the gaming industry but ended up becoming a business engineer. In 2010, he started his own business with the desire to develop iPhone applications,