






Kep1er made a comeback on September 25th with ‘Galileo’ after a 5-month hiatus.

Kep1er? Galileo? Is this about astronomy?

No, this is about KPOP.

Kep1er is a 9-member KPOP girl group that was formed from the Korean, Chinese, and Japanese girl group audition program called “GirlsPlanet999” (commonly known as Galpla), which was broadcasted on Mnet in Korea in 2021 (and streamed for free on Abema in Japan).

The 9 members were chosen from a total of 13,000 applicants:


2022年1月3日、1stミニアルバム「First Impact」でデビュー。初動20万枚以上を売り上げ、当時のKPOPガールズグループデビューアルバムの初動売り上げ1位を記録。


On January 3, 2022, they debuted with their 1st mini-album “First Impact”. They sold over 200,000 copies in the first week, setting a record for the highest first-week sales of a KPOP girl group debut album at that time.

They also achieved 1st place on the album charts in 14 countries and regions, including Japan, on the iTunes chart. In the global album chart, they reached 2nd place.

タイトル曲「WADADA」は世界中で大ヒットし、ミュージックビデオはわずか3ヶ月で1億再生突破、TikTokでは#WADADA Challengeが大バズりし、累計6億ビュー突破、そして本国韓国でもデビューから12日という史上最短での地上波音楽番組1位を記録し、華々しくデビューしたKep1er。

日本でもその人気は凄まじく、2022年9月に幕張メッセイベントホールで行われたJapan Deview Showcaseでの3公演約2万席のチケットが一般発売から3分で完売、2022年オリコン年間ランキングアーティスト別セールス部門新人ランキングでは海外アーティストでありながら1位を獲得。

The title track “WADADA” has become a huge hit worldwide, with the music video reaching over 100 million views in just 3 months. The #WADADA Challenge on TikTok has also gone viral, accumulating over 600 million views. In their home country of Korea, Kep1er achieved the remarkable feat of reaching the number 1 spot on a terrestrial music program just 12 days after their debut.

Their popularity in Japan is also extraordinary. During the Japan Deview Showcase held at Makuhari Messe Event Hall in September 2022, tickets for the three performances, totaling about 20,000 seats, sold out within 3 minutes of general release. In the 2022 Oricon Yearly Ranking’s Artist Sales category for newcomers, Kep1er, despite being an overseas artist, claimed the top spot.




Furthermore, at the “64th Japan Record Awards,” Kep1er won the “Special Award” [^1^], and in 2022, they were truly unstoppable. Additionally, they held their first solo concert from May to June this year. They conducted an arena tour in three cities: Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, with a total of six performances, attracting approximately 50,000 people. The concert at Kobe World Memorial Hall, the final day, was also paid streamed on Lemino, and the first tour ended in great success.

As an author, I attended two performances at Tokyo’s Yoyogi First Gymnasium, one performance at Aichi Sky Expo, and one performance at Kobe World Memorial Hall, experiencing the first-time phenomenon of shedding tears at all four concerts.

I have been watching them since they were nobody in Galprah [^2^], supporting them and being moved to tears by just seeing them fill venues with over 10,000 fans. And it’s impossible not to cry when you see them giving their all in performances from start to finish, singing and dancing their signature song “O.O.O” from Galprah! This is something that all Kep1ians (the name for Kep1er’s fans, called Keprians) would surely agree with.

そして、そんなKep1erが4月に発売した「LOVESTORUCK!」以来、約5ヶ月ぶりに5枚目のミニアルバム「Magic Hour」を引っ提げ帰ってきたのだ!

And now, Kep1er has returned with their 5th mini album “Magic Hour” after about 5 months since the release of “LOVESTORUCK!” in April!


MVはピンク色が印象的に使われており、今年世界中で大ヒットした映画「バービー」の世界観に通ずるものがあり、「Galileo」の曲調は「バービー」の主題歌であるデュアリパの「Dance The Night」を可愛いに振り切り、そこにKPOPをまぶした様な曲となっており、とにかく聞いてるだけで自然と笑顔になる「これこそがKep1erだ!」と言える良曲だ。

この「Galileo」が収録されたミニアルバム「Magic Hour」はiTunesのグローバルアルバムチャート2位、ヨーロッパのiTunesアルバムチャートTOP 10、そして日本を含む9つの国と地域のiTunesアルバムチャートで1位を記録と相変わらずの国際的な人気を証明した。残りわずかとなった2023年下半期もKep1erがきっと世界を盛り上げてくれるだろう。


グローバルな視点で言えば確かにKep1erは人気グループで間違いない。日本でアリーナツアーが出来るガールズグループは限られているし、ここ日本においてはKPOP ガールズグループの中ではTOPグループの一つと言っても過言では無い。

The title track “Galileo” is a lively disco-punk style song, depicting the process of a girl who falls in love observing the emotion of “liking” and gradually learning about “love”.

The music video prominently features the color pink and shares a similar world view to the hit movie “Barbie” that took the world by storm this year. The melody of “Galileo” is a cute rendition of the theme song “Dance The Night” by Dua Lipa, with a touch of KPOP mixed in. It’s a great song that makes you naturally smile just by listening to it, and truly represents Kep1er!

The mini album “Magic Hour,” which includes “Galileo,” proved its continued international popularity by reaching 2nd place on the global iTunes album chart, the top 10 on the iTunes album chart in Europe, and 1st place on iTunes album charts in 9 countries and regions, including Japan. Even in the remaining second half of 2023, Kep1er will surely continue to energize the world.

That’s how I’d like to wrap up this column beautifully, but unfortunately, that’s not the current situation for Kep1er. Perhaps, someone who knows nothing about them would read this and think, “Kep1er is really popular!” However, in reality, Kep1er is not all smooth sailing.

From a global perspective, it is true that Kep1er is a popular group. There are limited girl groups in Japan that can hold arena tours, and it is not an exaggeration to say that Kep1er is one of the top groups among KPOP girl groups in Japan.


However, in Korea, the situation changes completely.

韓国最大の音楽ストリーミングチャートMelonチャートで「Galileo」は初日の636位が最高位。Kep1erと同じくKPOP第4世代にカテゴライズされている、IVE、NewJeanes、LE SSERFIM、aespaなどのグループは新曲を出せばMelonチャートでTOP 10に入ってくるのを考えると、「Galileo」の最高位636位という数字がいかに悪い数字かが見て取れる。

さらに、デビューアルバムで初動20万枚以上売り上げた筈が、今作「Magic Hour」は初動10万8千枚とデビュー時から約半減している。要するにどういうことかと言うと現状韓国ではKep1erの新曲を聴いている人はほとんどいないし、CD売り上げの点から言ってもファンの母数が減っているのは明らかなのである。


だが、日本では相変わらずの人気ぶりで、「Magic Hour」の発売日には渋谷タワレコに長蛇の列が出来ており、著者も30分程並んで購入した。予約してるのに並ばないと買えないという状態に陥るほどの盛況ぶり。



先ほど言及したIVE、NewJeanes、LE SSERFIM、aespaなどのグループは4人から6人のグループで、おしゃれ、洗練、先鋭的といったワードが思い浮かび、これまでのKPOPとは一線を画している。このあたりのグループの煽りをモロに受けてるのがKep1erだ。Kep1erは大人数グループでワイワイ楽しいダンスミュージックという良くも悪くも第3世代KPOPの香りを色濃く残している。



Kep1er is Back.


In the Melon chart, the largest music streaming chart in Korea, “Galileo” reached a peak position of 636 on its first day. Groups like IVE, NewJeanes, LE SSERFIM, aespa, and others, who are categorized as the 4th generation of KPOP, can enter the top 10 on the Melon chart when they release new songs. This shows how low the number 636, which is the highest position of “Galileo,” is.

Furthermore, although Kep1er’s debut album was expected to sell over 200,000 copies in the first week, their latest album “Magic Hour” has only sold around 108,000 copies in its first week, which is approximately half of their debut sales. In other words, very few people in Korea are listening to Kep1er’s new songs, and it is evident that the number of fans has decreased based on the CD sales.

Kep1er is a temporary group with a lifespan of only 2 and a half years, and they are scheduled to disband in July next year. In the current situation, with less than 10 months left until their disbandment, it is honestly tough for someone like me who supports Kep1er.

However, in Japan, they still maintain their popularity. On the release day of “Magic Hour,” there was a long line at Shibuya Tower Records, and the author also waited for about 30 minutes to make a purchase. It was so popular that even with a reservation, you had to wait in line to buy it.

A few days later, stores across Japan, including Tower Records, sold out of copies.

So, I’m honestly confused about the popularity gap between Japan and South Korea. In fact, this album is selling on iTunes worldwide as I mentioned earlier, and it makes me wonder if the music scene in Korea, which is not selling well, is unique.

Groups like IVE, NewJeanes, LE SSERFIM, aespa, and others mentioned earlier are groups of 4 to 6 members. Words like fashionable, sophisticated, and cutting-edge come to mind, and they are different from the previous KPOP. Kep1er is directly influenced by these groups. Kep1er is a large group that embodies fun dance music, whether it’s good or bad, and strongly retains the scent of the third generation of KPOP.

Because of that, some people even say that Kep1er is uncool. However, the author has never thought of Kep1er as uncool, and will not think that way in the future. The people who call other people’s music uncool are the uncoolest.

Music is something that clearly reflects a person’s taste and preferences, and it’s not something for others to criticize. I hope that in the remaining 10 months of their activities, they will show those people what they are capable of, and I believe Kep1er can do it.

Kep1er is Back.

Kep1er’s journey is not over.



〈元々は洋楽ロックオタクで一時期ロッキンオンに就職しようかと思っていたほどの音楽通。BTSキッカケでKPOPを聴くようになりその後BLACKPINKにハマり、KPOP沼に片足を突っ込む。サバイバルオーディション番組『Girls Planet 999』通称ガルプラにどハマりし、ここからデビューしたKep1erのガチオタとなった結果、両足をKPOP沼に突っこむ事となった〉

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